Education & Resources — Featured Farmers

Favio Valenzuela

Favio Valenzuela

We were introduced to Favio Valenzuela like most coffee partners- at the cupping table. Before meeting Favio, seeing his farm and drinking coffee with his family, we tasted his coffee. It stood out amongst the other coffees with strawberry sweetness and mellow lemon notes. It was a fan favorite amongst the cuppers.  Farm Select In 2019 and into 2020 (just before the pandemic grounded us) we were spending a lot of time and energy in coffee developments in Colombia. We were working with Cafe Imports and Banexport to develop a new buying structure to provide sustainable pricing structures to coffee producers, and more traceable offerings...

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William Muñoz - Farm Select

William Muñoz - Farm Select

October 22, 2020 Pitalito, Colombia holds a special place in our hearts. The small town in southwest Colombia is the birthplace of Farm Select, a program we’ve helped Cafe Imports (and Banexport) pioneer to give recognition and value in the supply chain.    William Munoz is part of what we could call “Farm Select 2.0.” The program initially started with William’s uncle, Gabriel Munoz. We met William how we meet most producers in coffee origins— through tasting their coffee. Our relationship with Cafe Imports and green buyer Sam Miller has been the foundation for our sourcing intentions. All of our coffee is purchased...

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